
What is Health Coaching?

Health Coaching helps patients build the knowledge, skills, and confidence required to manage their chronic conditions and improve their health. Health coaches empower patients to play a central role in clinical encounters and to engage in self-management activities at home, work, and schools, where they spend most of their lives.

Why schedule a session?

Health Factors’ Health Coaches are Chronic Care Professionals trained extensively in chronic condition health management, motivational interviewing, and targeted self-care/skill-building. Our Health Coaches will help you set and reach your health goals, keeping you accountable for progress and supporting you in your journey to health and well being; whether you want to lose weight, quit tobacco, begin an exercise routine, or would like to make a change in your life.


All information shared is kept confidential. HIPAA guidelines are followed to protect your personal health information

How do I schedule a free session?

make an virtual appointment here

call 319-775-5272 or email

fill out this form to get started.


Health coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Health Coaches may not make any medical diagnoses, claims and/or substitute for your personal physician’s care. As your health coach I do not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your personal physician.

This website is for general informational purposes only. It must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition.